Free Bookkeeping Spreadsheet
We do like to promote our free bookkeeping spreadsheet, designed to help charities produce meaningful budgets and cash flow forecasts. Feedback from funding organisations suggests that many charities struggle with these tasks. Our spreadsheet aims to automate as much as possible, using your actual transactions to prepare budget variances. This tool is especially beneficial for smaller charities. After the initial setup, it generates meaningful quarterly reports with minimal user involvement.
- Learn more about how it works and set up a budget here and here.
- Download the free bookkeeping spreadsheet here.
Bespoke Budgeting Support
If the free spreadsheet doesn’t meet your needs, we offer personalised support. We can work with your bookkeeper over a few weeks to months to develop a bespoke budgeting system and train them on its use. This will need to be discussed to identify your exact requirements, but our approach would include:
- Development of a customised budgeting spreadsheet.
- Training your bookkeeper for three months to understand and utilise the system.
- Providing a training session for your management committee on monitoring the system.
- Attending the first management committee meeting (remotely) to answer any questions.
Cost: £600
Full Budgeting Outsourcing
For a comprehensive solution, consider outsourcing your budgeting needs to us. This can be integrated with our bookkeeping services or based on your existing bookkeeping system. This will need to be discussed further, but as an example, we could consider the following approach:
- Developing quarterly budgets.
- Presenting the budget to your management committee (remotely).
- Answering any questions from the committee.
Cost: £300 per quarterly management committee meeting