As and when your charity receives an inflow of money we need to record this in the spreadsheet.
Click the New Receipt button from the menu.
There are seven cells, six of which must contain information. Only the ‘General Details’ cell can be skipped.
Note the guidance provided in column E next to the cells. The format of the date, the availability of drop down menus and occasionally grey cells, which indicate that no information is required.
You must enter the information from the top down in order.
Let me demonstrate an example here. Let us assume I am in receipt of a Grant from the Greggs Foundation for £1,000 to be used for Staff Training.
I need to enter the date (made up) and select the appropriate funding category (when you click on the ‘Funding Category’ cell (B8), note a small grey square appears to the top right of the cell – this is clicked to access the drop down):
As the spreadsheet is dynamic, by selecting ‘Grants’, this has changed ‘Funder Details’ it was previously grey but is now white and requires information.
As the grant is for staff training, it is ‘Restricted funds’.
This selection has now also activated ‘Funding which Project’:
When we access the ‘Funding which Project’ drop down menu, we don’t have a suitably named option.
To change the available options, we will click on the Orange button ‘Amend Restricted Projects’ (cell F12).
This takes us to the Set Up page and cell B66 – the start of the named Restricted Funds.
We recommend that you use the first unused cell – in this case ‘Unused Restricted Fund 1’, we will change this to ‘Staff Training’.
From the Menu, click New Receipt.
This takes us back to where we were before we completed the change above. We can now select Staff Training from the ‘Funding which Project’ drop down.
We have the same issue when we look at the drop down for Funder Details.
As this grant came from the Greggs Foundation, we need to click the Orange button ‘Amend Grants (cell F14).
This takes us to the Set Up page, where we can enter the name of the organisation who gave us the grant.
As before, we recommend changing the first available cell, in this case ‘Name of Grant Funder 1’.
Using the menu we click ‘New Receipt’, which takes us to where we left off.
Greggs Foundation is now available for selection.
Enter the £1,000 into the ‘Amount Received’ cell and click Enter:
Notice that the cell to the left of the Save Button is now Green and not Red.
We can now click ‘Save’
The worksheet is reset back to blank and the receipt has been saved.